Cloud Computing Projects

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Computing projects

Cloud Computing Projects for PhD in Trichy

The Cloud Computing Projects for PhD in Trichy refers to the convenient access of computer system resources, including data storage and computing power, without requiring active management by the user. It entails the utilization of data centers that are accessible to multiple users via the Internet.

In essence, Final Year Cloud Computing Projects for CSE in Trichy involves storing and accessing data and programs over the Internet instead of relying on your computer’s local hard drive. The term “cloud” is a metaphor for the Internet itself. Conversely, when data is stored on and programs are run from the computer’s hard drive, it is referred to as local storage and computing. We also provide Online Industrial Training for those students who have knowledge in Cloud Computing.

This defect tracking system facilitates bug tracking efficiently. The system consists of three modules: Administrator, Staff, and Customer. The Administrator has access to the application by logging in and can enter staff and project details, as well as view bugs reported by customers.

Additionally, the Administrator can assign tasks to staff members, monitor the status of bug cases, and communicate with customers using the bug tracking application’s messaging feature. Staff members can log in using their usernames and passwords to view the bugs assigned to them. They can directly provide solution messages to customers or assign bugs to other staff members if the issue is more relevant to them. Users can also view the bug case flow details in which they are involved.

Customers can register in the application and log in using their usernames and passwords. Whenever they encounter a bug in their software, they can submit bug details to the Administrator along with a screenshot of the bug. Customers can track the progress of the bug case, including its status and the provided remedy details, using the generated ticket number. This application streamlines the bug tracking process and ensures effective communication between all stakeholders involved.

The online bookstore software project serves as a centralized database that houses a wide variety of books in stock, including their titles, authors, and costs. Developed as a website, this project acts as a central bookstore, utilizing ASP.NET C# as the front-end technology and SQL as the back-end database.

Due to the substantial number of online visitors that online bookstores attract, hosting the system on a cloud infrastructure becomes crucial to ensure optimal performance and prevent website crashes. The SQL database stores comprehensive book-related details. Upon visiting the website, users can browse through an extensive collection of books arranged in different categories.

They can select a desired book and view its price. Additionally, users have the option to search for specific books on the website. Once a user selects a book, they are prompted to fill out a form to complete the booking process. With the utilization of Azure-based cloud infrastructure, the system efficiently manages a significant volume of users while maintaining seamless functionality.

The proposed software product ensures the fulfillment of necessary security requirements for cloud data centers. To achieve encryption and decryption of file slices, the Blowfish algorithm is employed, offering minimal processing time and maximum throughput compared to other symmetric algorithms.

The concept of splitting and merging enhances the overall data security approach. By deploying a hybrid approach within a cloud environment, the remote server’s security is significantly strengthened, leading to increased trust among cloud users. The software product effectively addresses data security and privacy protection concerns, particularly in terms of separating sensitive data and implementing access control.

Cryptographic techniques are utilized to transform original data into an unreadable format. These techniques encompass both symmetric key cryptography and public key cryptography, utilizing keys to encrypt data and ensuring that only authorized individuals can access data stored on the cloud server. It is important to note that the ciphertext data remains visible only to authorized users, providing an additional layer of security.

The software system is an efficient online blood bank management system designed to streamline various blood bank operations. It includes a central repository hosted on a Windows-based cloud server, which contains detailed information about available blood deposits.

This information comprises blood type, storage area, and date of storage, facilitating effective maintenance and monitoring of the blood deposits. The project serves as an online system that enables efficient checking of the availability of required blood deposits for a particular blood group within the blood bank using the cloud server.

Additionally, the system offers additional features such as capturing patient names and contacts, blood booking functionality, and posting the need for specific blood groups on the website to find available donors during blood emergencies. This online system is developed using the .NET framework with the Azure cloud platform and supported by an SQL database to store blood-related information and user-specific details.

The attendance system facilitates the addition of attendance records for employees or students present on a given day. Users are required to log in and scan their identity cards to mark their attendance. Upon scanning, details such as ID number, date, in-time, and out-time are saved in the database. The database is stored in the Azure cloud, establishing a dedicated connection between the application and the cloud server via the internet.

By utilizing the in-time and out-time data stored in the cloud, the system’s administrator can calculate the working hours of the employees. Employees can access their personal details, attendance records, in-time/out-time data, and total working hours after logging into the system. This data is retrieved from the cloud database and can be accessed at any time by both employees and the administrator.

The system’s administrator has the authority to add new employees by registering them and filling out their registration details. Furthermore, the administrator can view the records of all employees. This system ensures the maintenance of up-to-date employee records. As the project files and database are stored in the Azure cloud, the project can be accessed via a web browser using the Azure link.

In the infrastructure of cloud computing, a collaborative e-Learning platform can be proposed to provide an optimal learning environment for learners. The e-Learning platform follows a three-layer architecture that enables efficient sharing and reuse of learning objects, promoting interoperability among different learning content.

The middleware layer incorporates an indexing module and a metadata transformation module to facilitate metadata exchange among recognized e-Learning standards. This approach empowers learners to access and utilize available learning objects without the need for affiliation with specific Learning Management Systems (LMS).

By leveraging the proposed e-Learning platform based on cloud computing infrastructure, independent LMS embedded in diverse e-Learning standards can seamlessly share learning objects. In essence, cloud computing plays a pivotal role in enabling reliable and flexible access to a vast array of learning objects over the Internet.

Steganography is a technique used to conceal private or sensitive information within seemingly ordinary images or files. It involves hiding text in such a way that it appears to be a normal image or file, making it undetectable to someone who views the object without knowledge of the hidden information.

Steganography exploits the limitations of human perception, as our senses are not naturally inclined to look for files that contain concealed information.


The software backup system enables users to securely store files, documents, images, and videos through a Windows application. Users can store their files and documents in various formats, which are organized in separate folders dedicated to each user. These stored folders are accessible only to authorized users, ensuring privacy and restricted access.

The system operates as a Windows application and utilizes an SQL Database to store all the file details. Authorized users have the ability to access their respective folders and manage their stored files. The administrator of the system holds the authority to determine user privileges and can block or unblock users as needed. If a user is found to be unauthorized or requires temporary restriction, the admin can block their access. Conversely, the admin can unblock a user to reinstate their access privileges.

The abundance of consumer reviews provides valuable knowledge for both users and companies. However, the disorganized nature of these reviews makes it challenging to navigate and extract relevant information. The proposed framework aims to improve the usability of consumer reviews by automatically identifying the important aspects of products.

The identification of important aspects is based on two key observations. Firstly, important aspects are typically mentioned by a large number of consumers. Secondly, consumer opinions about these aspects significantly influence their overall opinions of the product. To achieve this, the framework employs a shallow dependency parser to identify product aspects and a sentiment classifier to determine consumer opinions associated with these aspects.

A probabilistic aspect ranking algorithm is then developed to assess the importance of each aspect. This algorithm considers both the frequency of aspects mentioned and the impact of consumer opinions on these aspects towards their overall opinions. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through experiments conducted on a review corpus consisting of 21 popular products across eight domains.

Furthermore, the framework’s application is extended to two real-world scenarios: document-level sentiment classification and extractive review summarization. The results show significant performance improvements, highlighting the capabilities of product aspect ranking in facilitating practical applications.

Overall, this framework enhances the usability of consumer reviews by identifying and ranking important product aspects, enabling users and companies to extract valuable insights from the abundance of available information.

This software engineering project focuses on utilizing cloud computing to facilitate rural banking. The project aims to address the challenges faced in rural areas, such as limited access to devices and amenities, by leveraging cloud computing concepts and technologies. By doing so, it provides an efficient banking system tailored to meet the specific needs of rural communities.

Benefits of Choosing Us

Cloud Computing Projects for Final Year

The Final Year Cloud Computing Projects for CSE in Trichy benefit B.TECH & M.TECH students by offering hands-on experience. These projects ensure reliability, security, and scalability through Cloudsim simulation. Cloudsim, developed using Java, facilitates practical exploration of crucial cloud concepts like scheduling, VM migration, job allocation, data centers, and resource management.

Virtual machines are effectively employed within the Cloudsim tool, enabling comprehensive learning and experimentation. Cloud computing’s pivotal aspects find representation in these projects, preparing students for real-world scenarios.

Cloudsim’s utilization enhances understanding of cloud computing’s integral mechanisms, making students adept at creating dependable, fault-tolerant, and efficient cloud solutions. Embracing cloud computing projects equips students with invaluable skills and knowledge for their academic and professional journey.

Cloud Computing Projects

Cutting-Edge Expertise

Hitakey Infosys boasts a team of seasoned professionals well-versed in cloud computing. Engaging with their expertise will provide invaluable insights and guidance throughout your Cloud Computing Projects for PhD in Trichy.

Research Environment

Collaborating with Hitakey Infosys offers exposure to a dynamic research environment, fostering creativity and innovation. Access to the company's state-of-the-art resources and facilities can significantly enhance the quality of your cloud computing research.

Real-World Applications

Hitakey Infosys guides you to work on Final Year Cloud Computing Projects for CSE in Trichy with real-world implications. The company's industry connections and ongoing projects ensure that your Ph.D. research will have practical applications, enhancing its significance and relevance

Networking Opportunities

The collaboration can lead to invaluable networking opportunities with professionals and researchers in the field of cloud computing. This exposure can open doors to future collaborations, conferences, and career prospects.

Disciplinary Approach

Hitakey Infosys fosters a multidisciplinary approach to problem-solving. Engaging with experts from diverse fields related to cloud computing can enrich your research perspective, leading to more comprehensive and impactful outcomes for your Ph.D. project.

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